Detail Images:
Oakleaf Hydrangea
2021, 10”x 8”, Acrylic on Gesso Board
* Sold *
This is typical of my style of painting. The progression is to sketch onto the prepared canvas or board. I used a colored graphite this time but that was just an experiment. I then apply a coat of acrylic gloss gel to set the graphite to give a little depth to the sketch. I work very fast and use a hair dryer to dry the paint. A Burnt Sienna toned background was added and some light areas roughly removed in the wet paint. I sometimes use my fingers to move paint. You can see fingerprints in the upper left corner, in the flower pedals. Darks were added using Ultramarine, Burnt Umber and Alizarin Crimson. Sap Green, Raw Sienna, Cadmium Yellow and Titanium White were then used to finish up in varying values of transparency and opaqueness. I worked on this piece for maybe 8 hours total over 2 days.
Award: 2021
2nd place for two dimensional work in the Summer Serendipity exhibition at John’s Creek Art Center, John’s Creak, Georgia.